1. The Beneficiary must be a person with special needs* and
  2. A Singapore citizen or PR and
  3. Residing in Singapore

* Persons with special needs are persons whose prospects of securing, retaining places and advancing in education, training institutions, employment and recreation as equal members of the community are substantially reduced as a result of physical, sensory, intellectual and/or developmental impairments. This may also include persons with mental disabilities.

SNTC will only accept cash for the Trust fund.

You should draw up a will and direct the executor under your will to liquidate the non-cash assets and transfer the cash proceeds to your SNTC trust fund set up for your Beneficiary. You can nominate your Central Provident Fund (CPF) savings and insurance payouts to the trust fund.

Yes, the Trust account serves as an infrastructure to receive future gifts. Other contributors can transfer funds to the Trust account directly or nominate the Trust to receive cash assets in their will.

Service fees are subsidised 90—100% by MSF.

Type of Fees Fee (S$) Subsidy by MSF  After Subsidy (S$)
One-time Set-Up Fee150090%150
Annual Pre-Activation Fee250100%0
One-time Activation Fee40090%40
Annual Post-Activation Fee40090%40


  Private Trust Non-profit SNTC Trust
Objective Accumulation and preservation of wealth Financial security
Target Clients High net worth individuals served by relationship managers Person with special needs served by social workers
Minimum sum to set up Trust $50,000 and above $5,000
Fees Higher fees Affordable fees
Investment of Trust funds Invest in higher-risk financial products Invest in low-risk, income earning products
Investment is profit driven Principal value of trust funds is guaranteed by Goverment

The SNTC Trust is irrevocable because this Trust is intended to provide for the financial and care needs of your Beneficiary when you are unable or no longer around to take care of him/her. Once the Trust is set up, it cannot be undone or revoked.

Trust funds under the SNTC Trusteeship Scheme are held by the Public Trustee in a Common Fund and invested in low-risk income earning investments. The principal value of your committed funds is guaranteed by the Government. For more information on the Public Trustee’s practices, please visit https://pto.mlaw.gov.sg​​

The Trust account will only commence the disbursement of funds to support the Beneficiary after the death or incapacitation of the caregiver. Any request for disbursement from the Trust prior to this occurrence is subject to SNTC’s approval.

Funds are disbursed from the Trust in accordance with the Letter of Intent, which sets out the expenses required to support the Beneficiary. The care plan is reviewed to ensure that it remains current to the Beneficiary’s needs.

After the Trust is activated, SNTC will continue to review the Beneficiary’s Care Plan and monitor the expenses. SNTC will alert the Beneficiary’s appointed caregiver when the Trust only has sufficient funds to support the Beneficiary for another 5 years. The appointed caregiver will be advised to have the option of topping up the Trust and/or adjust the Beneficiary’s monthly expenses to support the Beneficiary for a longer period of time. SNTC will also refer the appointed caregiver to other resources in the community if necessary.

You should contact us and speak to one of our Case Managers to discuss possible solutions to your problem. SNTC is committed to helping the community of persons with special needs and we will look into the possibility of using funds from our donors to help reduce the financial burden of setting up a Trust for your dependant.

Yes. SNTC’s Case Manager will work out a Care Plan with you to consider the financial and care needs of your Beneficiary, and these will be set out in the Letter of Intent to be attached to the Trust Deed.

Letter of Intent

The Letter of Intent sets out various aspects of the needs of your Beneficiary such as accommodation, daily living needs (food, clothing, transport etc), educational needs, employment and training needs, medical and dental needs, professional support needs and other areas of concern.

Yes. If your Beneficiary is high-functioning, we encourage you to bring him/her along to meet our Case Managers when the Letter of Intent is being drafted or reviewed.

Yes, you can make changes to the Letter of Intent and this will be replaced in the Trust Deed. SNTC’s Case Manager will review the Care Plan with you and document any changes you propose.​

Help Us To Reach Out and Serve

If you know someone who will benefit from SNTC Trust Services, please refer them to us using the referral form below.