
Active Preparation for Trust Activation

16 Mar 2021


Mr and Mrs Tung set up 2 SNTC’s trust accounts for their twin sons in 2009. Both sons are in their mid-thirties and have autism. Mr Tung was the full-time caregiver of his sons, while Mrs Tung was the sole breadwinner of the household.

When Mr Tung was diagnosed with terminal cancer, the couple knew that they had to make concrete plans for the future of their sons as soon as possible.

Our Case Managers guided the couple through the making of their CPF nominations, and ensured that they listed down their insurance policies, prepared a will, and updated their sons’ care plans. They also discussed the issue of deputyship with the couple, who decided they had to rely on their relatives and friends to act as deputies for their sons.

Our Case Managers then met with the deputies and briefed them on their roles as well as on trust-related matters. They also worked through the issue of accommodation with the couple, and it was decided that the twins were to be referred to an adult disability home. In the meantime, they would attend a day care centre. This freed up some time for Mr and Mrs Tung to attend to other end-of-life issues.

Upon Mr Tung’s demise in 2017, Mrs Tung continued to receive support from SNTC. Our Case Managers assisted her in preparing her LPA and doing up her Advance Care Plan for her future health and personal care. This gave Mrs Tung some peace of mind regarding her own future and allowed her to make further financial provision for her sons’ trust accounts.

Mr and Mrs Tung’s story was first published on page 15 in our Annual Report 2017/2018.

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