
Journeying with client following trust activation

29 Jul 2021


Mary suffers from severe spinal stenosis and is unable to live independently. Her niece was initially helping Mary to manage her finances, but the responsibility grew too burdensome with the liquidation of her flat. An SNTC Trust was set up for Mary that uses the sale proceeds from her flat and insurance payouts to help relieve her niece of an onerous responsibility.

SNTC’s Case Managers started exploring alternative care arrangements for Mary when the amount in the trust started running low. Mary then shifted to a government-funded adult disability home, with the Case Managers working closely with her service providers to ensure that her welfare was taken care of. They also supported Mary in making a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA), saving Mary’s relatives the hassle of making a deputyship application should she lose mental capacity in future.

Mary’s story was first published on page 16 in our Annual Report 2017/2018.

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