
Love that lasts beyond a lifetime

16 Sep 2021

Mr Tay and his wife are the caregivers of their two sons with special needs. Mr Tay is a lorry driver and the sole breadwinner of the family. The ageing parents were concerned about their children’s welfare when both of them are no longer around. As they did not want to rely on the government to take care of their sons in the future, they decided to set up a trust for their sons while they are still around.

Our SNTC staff, with the help of the Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore (MINDS), reached out to Mr Tay and his wife and explained the benefits of the SNTC trust. As they did not have enough savings set aside for the initial capital to set up the trust, SNTC used our donation funds to help them.

With the trusts set up, a huge load is lifted off Mr Tay and his wife’s mind.

Mr Tay’s story was first published in page 8 of SNTC’s Annual Report 2014.

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