SNSS and SNTC Trust complement each other. Caregivers who would like to have a more customised and case-managed service for their dependants with special needs can set up an SNTC Trust, while parents who do not have substantial savings outside of CPF may prefer to opt for SNSS instead.

SNTC is a non-profit trust company supported by MSF and NCSS to provide affordable trust services to persons with special needs. Caregivers can set up an SNTC Trust and have the support of a social work-trained Case Manager who will help develop a Care Plan for their dependant with special needs. Caregivers may also set out their wishes for the loved one’s care expenses in a Letter of Intent, covering various aspects of their well-being such as accommodation, daily living needs (food, clothing, transport, etc.), educational needs, employment and training needs, medical and dental needs, professional support needs and other areas of concern.

No, participating members will not be charged for this service.

No. SNSS is opened to all persons with disabilities who require assistance with one Activity of Daily Living (ADL) or are attending/had attended Special Education (SPED) school. 

There is no minimum balance needed to sign up for SNSS. However, a participating parent’s CPF savings upon his/her demise must be sufficient to support a year’s worth of payout (e.g. a minimum monthly payout is S$250 x 12 months = S$3,000).​

Parents can change the level of payout by making a new SNSS nomination stating the new level of monthly payout. Parents can also cancel their SNSS nomination by applying to revoke their existing nomination.

Parents can top up their own or their spouse’s CPF accounts via the Retirement Sum Topping-Up Scheme or via the Voluntary Contribution scheme, in order to build up their CPF savings which can then be channelled to their child through SNSS.

Parents who have reached their Payout Eligibility Age can also opt not to receive their monthly CPF payouts under the Retirement Sum Scheme or CPF LIFE, but to retain the monies in their CPF accounts. Please approach CPF Board for more details on these options.

Payouts will be made directly to SNSS nominees aged 18 or above and to the legal guardians of nominees aged below 18.

For nominees who lack mental capacity and have donees or deputies appointed under the Mental Capacity Act, the payouts will be made to their donee or court-appointed deputy.

Parents are hence advised to make arrangements to legally appoint a person to care for their child with special needs upon their demise, if their child is aged below 18 or lacks mental capacity.

Help Us To Reach Out and Serve

If you know someone who will benefit from SNTC Trust Services, please refer them to us using the referral form below.